Monday, July 23, 2012

10 Film Animasi Tradisional Terbaik Disney

PERTAMA, ijinkan kami menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud “animasi tradisional”.
Pada zaman dahulu kala, sebelum komputer ditemukan. Manusia membuat film animasi dengan menggambar tokoh-tokohnya di kertas putih kosong. Bak tongkat sihir, tangan-tangan terampil para animator menghidupkan cerita dongeng dengan gambar-gambar indah.
Walt Disney dianggap sebagai pelopor seni animasi yang menyajikan kita karakter mulai dari Miki Tikus, Donal Bebek, Paman Gober, dll. Namun, selain tokoh-tokoh kartun nan lucu itu, Disney juga menyuguhkan kita film-film animasi panjang (feature length animation) hasil kreasi keajaban tangan-tangan animatornya.
Syahdan, mulai 1995, Disney merilis Toy Story yang dibuat Pixar. Sejak itu era keemasan animasi komputer dimulai. Sejak Toy Story, lebih banyak film animasi yang dibuat dengan komputer ketimbang gambar tangan.
Nah, menengok puncak box office dua pekan terakhir, ada fenomena menarik. Film animasi gambar tangan alias animasi tradisional The Lion King, yang aslinya rilis 1994, dirilis ulang dalam format 3D. Hasilnya, selama 2 pekan The Lion King (3D) merajai puncak box office mengalahkan film-film yang dibintangi Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, maupun Robert DeNiro.
Memperingati kembalinya kedigdayaan animasi tradisional Walt Disney di puncak box office, kami merating 10 film animasi tradisional Disney yang menurut kami terbaik.
Terus terang, sulit memilih hanya 10 film saja di antara film-film animasi Disney yang merentang dari Snow White di tahun 1937 hingga The Princess and the Frog tahun kemarin. Dengan berat hati kami menyingkirkan sejumlah film animasi favorit setelah menimbang-nimbang dengan film animasi Disney yang lain.
Hasilnya, ini dia 10 pilihan kami. Boleh setuju, boleh tidak.

10. Pocahontas, 1995

Sepanjang sejarahnya, Walt Disney melahirkan para putri-putri ikonik dengan dandanan khas mereka: cantik, kulit putih dengan rok mengembang. Karena seringnya Disney memberi gambaran putri cantik berkulit putih, banyak yang menganggapnya melanggenggakan hegemoni kulit putih atas kulit lain. Gambaran cantik seorang putri versi Disney dianggap sebagai gambaran ideal. Selain versi Disney, dianggap tidak cantik. Disney kemudian sadar atas kritik itu. Setelah berkali-kali mengangkat kisah dongeng Barat, Disney beralih ke cerita yang mengangkat kaum minoritas sebagai tokoh utamanya. Pocahontas, rilis 1996, menggambarkan sosok putri dari suku Indian, kaum minoritas di Amerika Serikat. Tentu, putri Pocahontas tidak berkulit putih ataupun mengenakan korset dan rok yang mengembang. Kisah pertemuan orang kulit putih dengan kulit berwarna di tanah Amerika ini dianggap medium yang pas untuk menjelaskan perbedaan dan toleransi. O ya, Anda menonton Avatar karya James Cameron tempo hari? Ada kemiripan kisahnya dengan Pocahontas, bukan?

9. Lady and the Tramp, 1955

Tentu, saat menyebut film ini orang langsung teringat momen saat dua anjing tengah duduk berdua menyantap spaghetti sambil mendengar lantunan lagu “Bella Notte”. Ketika menyantap mie yang sama, dua sejoli berwujud anjing, Lady dan Tramp tak sengaja berciuman. Momen itu dianggap sebagai salah satu momen paling romantis sepanjang sejarah perfilman. Tapi, tahukah Anda, saat Walt Disney melihat porongan kasar adegan itu, ia tak menyetujuinya. Untungnya ia berubah pikiran. Lady in the Tramp diangap sebagai momen saat Disney kembali ke penceritaan sederhana tanpa berambisi mengadaptasi novel atau dongeng populer. Hasilnya, Disney tetap mampu memikat penonton semua umur dari setiap generasi. Ditonton lagi, oleh generasi sekarang maupun yang akan datang, film ini tetap memikat.

8. Tarzan, 1999

Tarzan menjelang milenium baru versi Disney tidak hanya bergelantungan dari pohon satu ke pohon lain, maupun berteriak kencang memanggil binatang-binatang lain. Ia lebih sering bergerak lincah bak pohon adalah papan luncur. Buat saya, meski dalam bentuk animasi, Disney mengisahkan legenda Tarzan ke bentuknya paling mendekati aslinya. Sosok Tarzan yang diasuh kera sejak bayi—karena itu ia sering dijuluki Manusia Kera—membuatnya memiliki bahasa tubuh bak kera. Tarzan, misalnya, jarang terlihat berdiri tegak lurus, lebih sering bergerak tak ubahnya simpanse. Di luar orisinalitas itu, Tarzan versi Disney adalah kisah sempurna tentang pencarian jati diri anak manusia. Apalagi tabahan musik-musik merdu Phil Collins, menjadikan film ini makin menawan.

7. The Little Mermaid, 1989

Selama dua puluh tahun setelah kematian Walt Disney, studio film itu mencapai titik membosankan. Film-film animasinya tak lagi pas disebut klasik. Pena animator Disney sedang tumpul setelah ditinggal penciptanya. Syahdan, ketika Disney ditangani Jeffrey Katzenberg (sekarang bos DreamWorks) Disney bangkit. Film ini menandai kebangkitan kembali Disney. Studio itu mengali dongeng klasik Barat dan menemukan kisah putri duyung karya Hans Christian Andersen untuk ditafsir ulang, diceritakan kembali bagi penonton generasi sekarang. Hasilnya, Disney menemukan formula klasik yang kemudian jadi pegangannya selama betahun-tahun untuk membuat film animasi: cerita dongeng yang ringan, paduan desain klasik dan kontemporer, serta sajian lagu-lagu pop yang bakal disuka semua usia, tua dan muda.

6. Cinderella, 1950

Salah satu kehebatan film animasi Disney adalah ketika Disney mengangkat cerita dongeng, orang mengira versi Disney adalah versi asli dongeng tersebut. Bahkan, banyak yang mengenal cerita dongeng pertama kali dari versi yang dibuat Disney. Begitu pula yang terjadi pada dongeng Cinderella. Kebanyakan orang tak tahu seperti apa cerita aslinya kecuali yang disajikan Disney. Kisah anak tiri yang disiksa ibu dan saudara tirinya itu, serta kemudian datang ke pesta dansa bertemu sang pangeran, lalu meninggalkan sepatu kacanya tak lekang dimakan waktu meski sudah ditonton berkali-kali. Lebih dari 60 tahun, Cinderalla versi Disney telah mengisi narasi warga bumi atas kisah klasik itu di setiap generasi. Tak heran, kita kemudian percaya kalau cerita Cinderella ya yang versi Disney. Lainnya hanya adaptasi. Sayang memang, tapi mau bagaimana lagi.

5. The Lion King, 1994

Film animasi ini dianggap menjiplak cerita Kimba The White Lion karya pelopor manga-anime Jepang, Osamu Tezuka. Memang susah untuk tidak menganggapnya demikian. Namun, bukan berarti The Lion King tak berkualitas. The Lion King adalah animasi dengan kualitas layaknya film epik. Kisahnya pun terasa terlalu dewasa untuk ditonton anak-anak. Bahkan ada nuansa tragedi Shakespeare di dalamnya. Seekor singa pewaris tahta disalahkan atas kematian ayahnya, lalu pamannya yang jahat—otak sesungguhnya yang menyebabkan kematian itu—mengambil alih kekuasaan. Sang singa kemudian terusir dan hidup bebas hingga ia harus kembali lagi merebut tahtanya dan menemui takdirnya sebagai penguasa rimba. The Lion King tak hanya berisi tingkah kartun nan lucu maupun lagu-lagu indah, tapi juga tentang kematian dan perebutan tahta.

4. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, 1937

Ini film animasi yang memulai segalanya. Ya, inilah film animasi panjang pertama. Sekarang orang menganggapnya sebagai film animasi yang imut tentang putri yang tinggal di hutan bersama kurcaci-kurcacinya. Padahal, butuh pengorbanan besar bagi Walt Disney mewujudkan film animasi ini. Film ini butuh waktu pembuatan 3 tahun, menghabiskan AS$ 1,5 juta, hampir bikin perusahaannya bankrut. Andai, film ini flop, hampir pasti Disney bakal menutup studio animasinya. Tapi, yang terjadi, Snow White jadi film paling sukses tahun 1938. Saat pertama hadir, Snow White dianggap sebuah revolusi bagi film animasi yang dimasa itu lebih berupa tontonan pendek lucu berisi gambar dan musik. Snow White tak hanya lucu, tapi juga mengandung drama tragedi Yunani di dalamnya. Saat Snow White makan apel beracun banyak anak-anak masa itu ketakutan, menangis dalam bioskop.

3. Fantasia, 1940

Walt Disney bukan penemu film animasi. Tapi, ia membawa teknologi sinema ini ke ranah seni yang tak pernah digapai manusia lain sebelumnya. Salah satu pencapaiannya adalah Fantasia. Ide dasar Fantasia sederhana saja: ambil musik-musik klasik yang dikenal orang, dan padukan dengan gambar-gambar animasi. Film ini kemudian dicatat, seperti dikutip RottenTomatoes, sebagai sebuah landmark di bidang animasi yang pengaruhnya terus terasa hingga kini. Lewat tokoh Miki Tikus yang dikenal manusia sejagad, lewat film ini Disney meneguhkan posisinya tak hanya sebagai sineas, tapi juga seniman.

2. Beauty and the Beast, 1991

Beauty and the Beast adalah film animasi pertama yang bertengger dengan terhormat di deretan nominasi Film Terbaik Academy Awards. Sebelumnya, film ini menjadi film animasi pertama yang meraih gelar Film Terbaik (Komedi atau Musikal) di ajang Golden Globes. Maka, kualitas film ini tak perlu lagi dipertanyakan. Beauty and the Beast segera jadi klasik sejajar dengan film-film klasik cerita putri Disney lain seperti Snow White, Cinderella, maupun Sleeping Beauty. Tentu, bukan Disney pencipta dongeng si cantik dan si buruk rupaini, melainkan dongeng Prancis karya Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Baumont. Namun, sentuhan tangan dingin animator Disney mebuat kisah ini lebih dekat bagi warga dunia. Tidak seperti karakter putri-putrinya terdahulu yang berpangku tangan menanti pangeran tampan, Belle adalah seorang perempuan mandiri (banyak yang menganggapnya karakter feminis). Belle rela berkorban menggantikan ayahnya yang disandera makhluk buas. Belle juga kemudian juga memenangkan hati sang makhluk buas itu dan mengubahnya jadi pangeran tampan.

1. Pinocchio, 1940

Film ini dipilih situs majalah Time sebagai nomor wahid dari 25 Film Animasi Terbaik Sepanjang Masa. Kami setuju, makanya menempatkannya di posisi puncak versi kami juga. Pinocchio, karya kedua Disney setelah Snow White, diangkat dari novel karya Carlo Collodi tahun 1883, dicatat Time telah memberi plot dasar pengisahan bagi film-film animasi lain sesudahnya. Happy Feet, Kung Fu Panda, atau Tangled berutang pada Pinocchio dari segi tema cerita. Kisahnya adalah sebuah cerita klasik coming-of-age film, kisah pencarian jati diri. Kita mengikuti petualangan akbar Pinocchio, sesosok boneka kayu ingin menjadi manusia: ia bertemu jangkrik, diculik, dimakan ikan paus, hingga bertemu peri baik hati. O ya, siapa yang tak ingat pesan moral film ini untuk jangan berbohong (kalau berbohong, hidungmu akan memanjang), atau anak-anak nakal yang bernasib jadi keledai. Hebatnya Disney, segala pesan moral itu tak terasa menggurui. Kita terhibur oleh petualangan Pinocchio dan tak bosan menontonnya berkali-kali lagi.

In English
First, let us explain what is "traditional animation".
Once upon a time, before the computer was invented. Human animated film by drawing the characters on a blank white paper. Like a magic wand, the skilled hands of the animators animate a fairy tale with beautiful images.
Walt Disney animation is considered a pioneer of art that presents us characters ranging from Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Uncle Scrooge, etc.. However, other figures of a humorous cartoon nan, Disney also presents us-length animated films (feature length animation) created by animators keajaban hands.
Syahdan, from 1995, Disney released Toy Story, Pixar made. Since the golden era of computer animation begins. Since Toy Story, more animated films are made with a computer instead of hand drawing.
Well, look at the top of box office two weeks, there is an interesting phenomenon. Hand-drawn animated film traditional animation aka The Lion King, the original release of 1994, was re-released in 3D format. The result, for 2 weeks The Lion King (3D) ruled the box office top-beat movie starring Brad Pitt, Morgan Freeman, and Robert DeNiro.
Commemorating the return of the superiority of traditional animation at Walt Disney top box office, we rate the 10 traditional Disney animated movies that we think best.
Frankly, it is difficult to choose only 10 films are in the Disney animated films ranging from Snow White in 1937 to The Princess and the Frog last year. With heavy hearts we get rid of some favorite animated movie after weighing with other Disney animated films.
The result, here we are 10 choices. May agree, perhaps not.

10. Pocahontas, 1995

Throughout its history, Walt Disney gave birth to the iconic princesses with their distinctive makeup: beautiful, white skin with a fluffy skirt. Because of frequent Disney gave white picture of a beautiful princess, many regard melanggenggakan white hegemony over another skin. Beautiful picture of a princess Disney version is considered as the ideal. In addition to the Disney version, is considered not pretty. Disney then aware of the criticism. After repeated lifting of Western fairy tale, Disney turned to the story which lift the minorities as the main character. Pocahontas, the release of 1996, described the daughter of Indian tribes, minorities in the United States. Of course, non-white princess or Pocahontas wore a corset and a fluffy skirt. The story of meeting a white man with colored skin on American soil is considered an appropriate medium to explain the difference and tolerance. Oh yes, you watch Avatar by James Cameron the other day? There are similarities with the Pocahontas story, right?

9. Lady and the Tramp, 1955

Of course, when people refer to this film immediately thought of the moment when two dogs were sitting together eating spaghetti while listening to chant the song "Bella Notte". When eating noodles together, the two lovebirds tangible dogs, Lady and the Tramp accidentally kissing. Moment it is regarded as one of the most romantic moments in the history of cinema. But, you know, when Walt Disney saw porongan rough scene, he did not agree. Fortunately he changed his mind. Lady in the Tramp considered as the moment when Disney's return to the simple storytelling with no ambition to adapt the popular novel or fairy tale. The result, Disney still able to captivate audiences of all ages from every generation. Watched again, by the current generation and future, the film remains compelling.

8. Tarzan, 1999

Tarzan Disney version before the new millennium is not just swinging from one tree to another tree, and shouted loud call other animals. He is more often move swiftly like a tree is a sled. For me, though in the form of animation, Disney tells the legend of Tarzan to the closest shape. Tarzan the ape figure was raised from infancy, so he is often called the Ape-Man has to make gestures like apes. Tarzan, for example, is rarely seen standing upright, more often move not unlike chimpanzees. Outside of originality, the Disney version of Tarzan is a perfect story about the search for identity of human children. Moreover tabahan melodious music of Phil Collins, to make this film more captivating.

7. The Little Mermaid, 1989

For twenty years after the death of Walt Disney, the film studio reached the point of boring. Animated films are no longer called a classic fit. Disney animator pen is blunted after its creator left. Syahdan, while Disney handled Jeffrey Katzenberg (DreamWorks boss now) Disney rose. This film marks the revival of Disney. Studio was multiply the West and find a classic fairy tale mermaid tale by Hans Christian Andersen to be reinterpreted, told the audience back to the present generation. The result, Disney found a classical formula which then becomes the handle for betahun the years to make animated films: fairy tales are lightweight, blend classic and contemporary designs, as well as serving pop songs that would be preferred of all ages, young and old.

6. Cinderella, 1950

One of the Disney animated films greatness is when lifting Disney fairy tales, people thought the Disney version is the original version of the tale. In fact, many of the familiar fairy tale was first made from the Disney version. So it is that happens in the fairy tale Cinderella. Most people do not know what the original story than Disney presented. The story of a tortured stepson and his half-brother's mother, and then come to the ball met the prince, and left the glass shoe seemingly everlasting despite having watched it many times. More than 60 years, Disney has filled version of Cinderalla narrative citizens of the earth on the classic story in every generation. Not surprisingly, we then believe that the story of Cinderella so that the Disney version. The only other adaptation. Unfortunately yes, but what can we do.

5. The Lion King, 1994

This animated film is considered plagiarized Kimba The White Lion story pioneer work of Japanese manga, anime, Osamu Tezuka. It's hard to not think so. However, that does not mean The Lion King is not qualified. The Lion King is the animated epic film-like quality. The story feels too mature to watch the kids. There are even shades of Shakespeare's tragedy in it. A lion blamed for the death of the heir to the throne of his father, and uncle of the real evil-brain-death that took power. The lion then displaced and live freely until he should come back again seize his throne and meet his destiny as the ruler of the jungle. The Lion King does not only contain behavior nan funny cartoons and beautiful songs, but also about death and the struggle for the throne.

4. Snow White and Seven Dwarfs, 1937

This animated film that started it all. Yes, this is the first animated film length. Now people think of it as a cute animated movie about the princess who lived in the woods with dwarf-kurcacinya. In fact, it took great sacrifice for the Walt Disney animated film to realize this. The film took three years manufacture, spent U.S. $ 1.5 million, almost making the company bankrupt. If, this film flop, is almost certainly going to close the Disney animation studio. But, what happens, Snow White to be the most successful movie in 1938. When you first come, Snow White is considered a revolution for the future animated movie was more funny short show contains pictures and music. Snow White is not only funny, but also contains a Greek tragedy in it. When Snow White a poisoned apple to eat a lot of the kids were terrified, crying in the cinema.

3. Fantasia, 1940

Walt Disney did not invent the animated film. But, he brings this technology into the realm of art cinema that no other man ever achieved before. One of his achievements is the Fantasia. Fantasia basic idea is simple: take classical music known to man, and mix with animated pictures. The film is then noted, as quoted RottenTomatoes, as a landmark in the field of animation that feels its influence continues to this day. Through the Mickey Mouse character known to man wide, through this film Disney confirms its position not only as a filmmaker, but also artists.

2. Beauty and the Beast, 1991

Beauty and the Beast is the first animated film in a row perch with a respectable Academy Awards Best Picture nomination. Previously, this film became the first animated film won Best Picture (Comedy or Musical) at the Golden Globes. Thus, the quality of the film is no longer questioned. Beauty and the Beast quickly became a classic parallel to the film classic Disney princess stories like Snow White, Cinderella, and Sleeping Beauty. Of course, not the creator of the Disney fairy tale of the beautiful and the bad rupaini, but the work of the French fairy-Marie Leprince de Jeanne Baumont. However, the cold touch of the hands of Disney animator mebuat this story is closer to the citizens of the world. Unlike the previous character of his daughters who stand idly by waiting for prince charming, Belle is an independent woman (many regard it as a feminist character). Belle willing to sacrifice to succeed his father who was taken hostage beast. Belle also then also won the heart of the beast and turned it into a handsome prince.

A. Pinocchio, 1940

The film was chosen as Time magazine's website the number one of 25 Best Animated Film of All Time. We agree, therefore placing it at the top of our version as well. Pinocchio, the work of Disney after Snow White, lifted from the novel by Carlo Collodi in 1883, recorded Time has provided the basic plot narration for other animated films thereafter. Happy Feet, Kung Fu Panda, or Tangled owe Pinocchio story in terms of themes. Her story is a classic coming-of-age film, the story of the search for identity. We follow the adventures of Pinocchio grand, wooden doll figure to be a man: he met cicada, kidnapped, eaten by a whale, to meet good-hearted fairy. O yes, who can not remember the moral of this movie to not lie (if you lie, your nose will lengthwise), or children who fared so bad ass. Best of Disney, all the moral message was not felt patronizing. We are entertained by the adventures of Pinocchio and not get bored watching it many times again.

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