Sunday, August 18, 2013


Kita pasti sudah tidak asing lagi dengan software yang bernama Winamp. Yaps, Winamp adalah software multimedia player yang mendukung berbagai macam format file audio dan video. Kali ini saya akan membagikan Winamp versi terbaru, yaitu Winamp 5.64 Pro. Winamp 5.64 Pro ini rilis tanggal 19 Juni 2013, jadi masih bisa dibilang sangat baru dan up to date. Kelebihan utama yang dimiliki Winamp 5.64 Pro ini adalah perbaikan kompatibilitasnya dengan Windows 8.

Apa yang baru di Winamp 5.64 Pro?

* New: Option to run Winamp in Safe Mode (also via /SAFE=1 commandline switch)

* New: XSPF playlist support (read only support, write support to follow)

* Improved: Added tooltips for truncated text in Media Library listviews

* Improved: Added 'Explore item folder' to context menu in playlists

* Improved: Bookmark menu handling now follows Winamp's Play/Enqueue setting

* Improved: D3D vsync mode (should fix reported video tearing issues)

* Improved: Display album art source info in Artwork tab of File Info dialog

* Improved: Remember last position of dialogs

* Improved: Show rating from tags if file is not in Local Media Library

* Improved: Use new style dialog for folder browser

* Improved: Windows 8 filetype association compatibility

* Improved: [gen_ff] Multi-monitor support for Bento/Modern skin notifier

* Improved: [gen_ff] Windows 8 multi-monitor/taskbar mode compatibility

* Improved: [in_flac] FLAC streaming support

* Improved: [in_mp3] Shoutcast v2 in-stream artwork support (and other misc fixes)

* Improved: [in_mp3] Use MIME to determine decoder before assuming ext. is correct

* Improved: [in_mp4] Native ALAC playback support

* Improved: [in_mp4] Optimize MP4 Raw Reader by using chunks instead of samples

* Improved: [in_mp4] Write ratings to tags (using the "rate" atom)

* Improved: [ml_local/history] Friendlier error message if nde/database fails to load

* Improved: [ml_local] New 'Date Added' column (smart views adjusted accordingly)

* Improved: [ml_playlists] Now with Generate HTML Playlist support

* Improved: [ml_playlists] Save playlists to custom m3udir, if specified in paths.ini

* Improved: [ml_wire] Save (and backup) database files on updates instead of on exit

* Improved: [pmp_ipod] Added BPM, TotalTracks, Disc# & TotalDiscs metadata support

* Improved: [pmp_wifi] SSDP support and other optimizations

* Fixed: Failing to load on some Windows 8 (and earlier) installs (thanks Nanner)

* Fixed: Not playing the first song next when clearing then adding items to playlist

* Fixed: Bento/Modern skin notifier sometimes no longer appearing (thanks pjn123)

* Fixed: Deletion of 0-byte wdl*.tmp & wht*.tmp files

* Fixed: Issues with re-embedding of vis plug-ins in Bento skin when exiting fullscreen

* Fixed: Issues with some Icecast servers providing invalid stream links (v2.x bug!)

* Fixed: Potential crashes when rapidly switching between DSP plug-ins

* Fixed: [Bento Browser] Potential security vulnerabilities (thanks Julien Ahrens, Inshell)

* Fixed: [gen_jumpex] Potential security vulnerabilities (thanks J. Ahrens,

* Fixed: [in_mp3] Mapping of POPM ratings scale

* Fixed: [in_mp4] Bug where too-small passed-in buffer size resulted in loss of data

* Fixed: [in_mp4] Seeking files/podcasts which use a single video frame as artwork

* Fixed: [in_vorbis] Not reading Disc# (plus other general Vorbis Comments fixes)

* Fixed: [in_wave] mldb info for .wav files being wiped after viewing Alt+3 dialog

* Fixed: [ml_disc] Blocking of context menu items in ml tree for History & Bookmarks

* Fixed: [ml_disc] Creation of 0-byte trk*.tmp files & associated crash on some systems

* Fixed: [ml_impex] UI lockups on import/export of large databases

* Fixed: [ml_wire] Subscriptions to podcast channels with the same name

* Fixed: [ombrowser] Alt Gr keys broken in Online Services text input fields

* Fixed: [pmp_android] Albumart-related crash when transferring ogg files

* Fixed: [pmp_android/usb] Transfers fail if <Albumartist> contains illegal characters

* Fixed: [pmp_p4s] Crash/hang on exit after transferring files to MTP/P4S devices

* Misc: All default plug-ins now include file description & version info properties

* Misc: More general tweaks, improvements, fixes and optimizations

* Removed: [gen_orgler] The end of Winamp Charts & Music Usage Database

* Updated: [libFLAC] FLAC 1.3.0

* Updated: [png] libpng v1.5.16

* Updated: [gen_jumpex] JTFE v1.2.6

* Updated: [zlib.dll] zlib 1.2.8

Bagaimana sobat? Cukup banyak penambahan dan perbaikan fitur baru kan? Nah, karena yang saya bagikan kali ini adalah Winamp 5.64 Pro (bukan versi Free), sudah pasti saya membagikannya dengan Serial Number yang valid. Serial Number tersebut sudah saya sertakan bersama dengan file instalasi Winamp 5.64 Pro ini.

Oh ya, Winamp 5.64 Pro ini juga support dengan Bahasa Indonesia lho. Bagaimana? Penasaran dengan fitur-fitur terbaru dari Winamp 5.64 Pro? Bagi yang berminat, silahkan download di link berikut ini:

Semoga bermanfaat :)

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